Happy Holidays


"Poppy" iPhone Painting by Kathy Clem ©2010

“Poppy” iPhone Painting by Kathy Clem ©2010

Grandparents’ stories are important. If I had the chance to live my life again, one thing that I would do differently is that I would ask my grandparents to tell me their lives stories.

I have the most wonderful memories about Xmas. When I was between 7 and 16 years old, I was fortunate to live with my grandparents in El Salvador. At that time, my grandmother and grandfather had 7 children and 25 grandchildren. For Xmas all my aunts uncles and their children would gather at my grandparents’ house. Before Xmas my grandmother would ask me to help her wrap her presents. I had that honor, because my grandmother trusted that I would not go around telling everyone what they were getting for Xmas. This was our secret. 
When my grandmother and I worked together wrapping her presents. While we had this precious time together, I wish I would have asked her to tell me how she grew up and how she spent Xmas with her family. 
Best wishes to you for the most beautiful holiday season filled with wonderful stories and love.


6 replies »

    • Thank you very much for reading and commenting on my blog. Right now I am working on an art exhibit about mothers. This includes my mother, my grandmothers and my great grandmother and all the memories and love they gave their children. I wish I had more stories from them. Wishing you a very Happy new year!


  1. I agree with you asking grandparents about their stories. I never met my grandparents on my mother’s side. It would have been wonderful to hear what they would say about their children. i make sure I reference my parents to my kids often.
    I was attracted to your flowers and the black background. I love painting that way too.
    Beautiful studio.

    Liked by 1 person

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